Continuous Drying Kiln – Foundations Earthworks & Slab

Client: Hyne Timber


Resources & Roads


Construct Only


Tuan Mill


$4.9 million


January 2021 – June 2021


CMC was contracted by Hyne Timber – one of Australia’s largest suppliers of softwood framing – to construct the foundation works for its Continuous Drying Kiln (CDK). The CDK expanded timber drying capacity at the Tuan Mill, which is located 25km from Maryborough, while creating a more energy efficient process and improving the overall quality of timber products produced by the mill.

CMC’s original scope of work consisted of constructing stormwater drainage, earthworks, unbound pavements, and a detailed concrete foundation slab to support the kiln construction. The project scope was later expanded to include a concrete access road and asphalt tie ins.


Collaboration: CMC worked closely with the client and local subcontractors to ensure the project was delivered safely and on time.

Sustainable Impact: The new kiln is more energy efficient and improves the consistency of drying quality and overall quality of timber produced.

Problem-Solving: A number of construction complexities arose during the project including the discovery of unexpected underground services and working around on-site traffic. The project scope also expanded requiring CMC to respond flexibly and efficiently to complete the additional works.

Testimonial: “We have had dedicated teams working on this highly specialised project for months and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge them. They include several Tuan Mill team members led by David Spencer and Paul Ryan supported by contractors including Civil Mining and Construction, Wolff Power, Brisbane Electrical, Platinum Fire, Windsor and representatives of The University of Queensland, Centre for Future Timber Structures and ARC Future Timber Hub. I hope they all feel very proud of this achievement as part of our history and for our future.”

Hyne Timber CEO, Jon Kleinschmidt

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