NDRRA South Burnett Region Flood Restoration Works

Client: South Burnett Regional Council


Roads & Flood Recovery


Construct Only


South Burnett Region, QLD


$21 million


May 2012 – December 2012


As part of the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangement scheme, CMC was contracted to perform restoration and rehabilitation works to fix and replace flood damaged Council infrastructure. Due to CMC’s time and cost efficiency throughout the project, they were awarded an additional contract to complete similar works north of the region.

Construction was spread across 222 roads, and involved mostly road maintenance works, reconstruction/rehabilitation of 31 floodways, bitumen seals, asphalt overlays, guardrails, pavement reconstruction and unbound gravels. A major part of the project included slip repair works to Boat Mountain Rd. During the flooding, old drainage structures failed and the excess water caused the embankment to slide. CMC carried out extensive works that included excavation of slip material, using gabion baskets to reinforce the new embankment, building new drainage structures, and cementing and sealing modified pavement across the top of the construction.


Collaboration: CMC built a strong relationship with the client, which led to future contracts after similar catastrophic weather events and referrals to nearby Councils.

Problem-Solving: CMC programmed works on a geographical basis to both maximise shared resources and minimise machinery downtime. Additional resources were also committed to define the scope of the project in the shortest possible timeframe, confirm the treatments necessary and understand the scope of the damage sustained.

Economic: CMC completed the project five weeks early and $1 million (approximately 5%) below budget.

Safety: The project comprised of 83,000-man hours with zero lost time injuries (LTI).

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