Summerhill Waste Management Centre Construction of Landfill Cell 09 – Stage 2

Summerhill Waste Management Centre Construction of Landfill Cell 09 – Stage 2

Client: City of Newcastle


Waste & Roads


Construct Only


Wallsend, NSW


$23.8 million


January 2019 – September 2020


The City of Newcastle operates the Summerhill Waste Management Centre in Wallsend, Newcastle. The land, formerly a mine-site, has been used for landfill since 1995.

CMC was contracted to work on a new landfill area, Cell 9, digging out enough space to fill 280 Olympic swimming pools, to manage the city’s waste for the next ten years. Alongside the existing Resource Recovery Centre, which has already kept over 3,100 tonnes of recyclables out of the landfill in a year, this project is part of various efforts to prepare Newcastle for future waste management needs and its growing population.

The work for Cell 9 encompassed a few wide range of activities to prepare and construct essential infrastructure for the site. This included clearing the area of vegetation, creating haul roads and areas to store materials, and improving access roads.


Sustainable Impact: The project involved removing a significant amount of hard rock without using explosives due to environmental restrictions. Excavated materials were managed and processed for various construction needs, such as filling and covering layers.

Innovation: A key component of the project was installing an advanced barrier system to manage leachate, including a composite layer with clay and plastic elements, and a sophisticated collection system to handle liquid waste, ensuring it connected seamlessly with systems from adjacent projects.

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