Pacific Highway Upgrade, Halfway Creek to Glenugie (Section 2)

Pacific Highway Upgrade, Halfway Creek to Glenugie (Section 2)

Client: Transport for NSW (TfNSW)


Roads & Bridges


Construct Only


Halfway Creek, NSW


$141 million


December 2014 – July 2017


The Australian and NSW governments jointly funded a $4.9 billion highway upgrade between Woolgoolga and Ballina. The Halfway Creek to Glenugie section created a 12km dual carriageway between Grays and Franklins Roads and opened to traffic in August 2017.

CMC was awarded the project with works including the construction of lean mix concrete sub-base, plain concrete base associated finishes and furniture, and four-lane twin bridges over Halfway Creek and Wells Crossing.

The Halfway Creek bridgeworks involved the construction of a 50m, two-span concrete bridge and the Wells Crossing bridgeworks included construction of a 70 metre, 3-span concrete bridge.

Major deliverables included public utility adjustments, bridge demolition, production of SMZ and Verge materials onsite, concrete paving and design and construction of heavy vehicle inspection station facilities.

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