NDRRA Bundaberg Region North South Package

NDRRA Bundaberg Region North South Package

Client: Bundaberg Regional Council (BRC)


Roads & Flood Recovery


Construct Only – Alliance


Bundaberg Region, QLD


$30.7 million


November 2012 – October 2013


Following major Bundaberg Regional Council (BRC) flooding that occurred in 2011 and again in 2013; CMC was awarded the combined National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) North and South Flood Damage Restoration Package. By undertaking these packages concurrently for Council, CMC could minimise inconvenience for the local community and key stakeholders, whilst also providing the client with greater efficiencies in terms of resources and coordination.

The North and South rehabilitation contracts consisted of approximately 1,370 and 850 defect sites respectively across the Bundaberg region.


Innovation: One of the major activities on the project was resheeting unsealed rural roads with specified TMR type 2.3 gravel, the issue with this type of gravel, it would start to unravel after rain events. The diagnosis was the gravel was deficient in fines to bind the gravel and hold integrity once it was wet. CMC’s Project Engineers and Supervisors trialed several gravel sources with an increased fine content and arrived on a special gravel blend from one of the local quarries, Bundaberg Council agreed on the change which provided a costs reduction in gravel supply to Council.

Sustainable Impact: Sedimentation and erosion control plans were produced and implemented for each individual site and no major environmental incident occurred on the project.

Collaboration: The relationship with Bundaberg Council was excellent throughout duration of the Project. CMC engaged over 200 local people to undertake the works including subcontractors and worked closely with local indigenous organisation, Gidarjil, and placed four trainees on the project to complete Cert II in Civil Construction.

Community Engagement: CMC engaged a dedicated local community liaison officer to facilitate sustained communication between key affected residents, stakeholders, the community, and CMC.

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