Clarke Creek Windfarm

Clarke Creek Windfarm

Client: Clarke Creek Energy Pty Ltd


Renewable Energy


Construct Only


Port of Gladstone to north of Rockhampton, QLD


$30 million


April 2022 – March 2023


The $1 billion Clarke Creek Windfarm will be located 150km northwest of Rockhampton and is set to be one of the largest renewable energy precincts in the southern hemisphere upon completion.

CMC was contracted to enable the delivery of large-scale plant, equipment, and materials to the Clarke Creek site. The scope of work included upgrades to traffic signals, street lighting, road geometry generally, accesses, and passing bays across 71 individual work areas located between the Port of Gladstone and the Wind Farm Site, north of Rockhampton.


Problem-Solving: The 71 individual work areas located between the Port of Gladstone and the Wind Farm Site north of Rockhampton were spread up to 300km apart. CMC conducted essential traffic control resources and staging to manage these challenges and deliver these works. The project was successfully delivered and managed despite taking place in the lead up to, and during, a La Nina event which resulted in significant inclement weather events.

Economic: CMC managed extensive scope change throughout the project, primarily related to ground conditions that were significantly different to the design assumptions, while achieving contractual objectives.

Safety: The project involved work on multiple urban roads throughout Rockhampton and Gladstone, with safety managed through traffic control; culvert crossing while access was in operation; culvert drop offs for all sites on Marlborough Sarina Rd; and fatigue management for Marlborough Sarina Rd sites and accommodation. Additionally, CMC completed excavation and blasting of rock batters adjacent to a live roadway with no safety incidents.

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