Bruce Highway – Wide Bay Intersection Upgrade (Gympie – Maryborough)

Bruce Highway – Wide Bay Intersection Upgrade (Gympie – Maryborough)

Client: Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR)




Construct Only


Curra, QLD


$13.6 million


September 2020 – November 2021


Improving safety conditions for the travelling public and reducing traffic delays were key priorities of this project. A detailed options assessment confirmed that a roundabout solution – incorporating a single circulating lane and single-lane approaches and departures – would best resolve the challenges of significant traffic delays and severe incidents caused by heavy haulage joining traffic flows from the South Burnett region, at the intersection of the Wide Bay Highway and Bruce Highway, just north of Gympie.

CMC was contracted by TMR to deliver:

  • a 50m diameter roundabout to replace the previous T-intersection at the juncture of the Wide Bay and Bruce Highways
  • realignment of the Spring Valley Road North and South intersections with the Bruce Highway
  • improvements to roadside safety from Meadows Lane to the Wide Bay Highway.


Innovation: In a Queensland road project first, CMC introduced a new digital traffic monitoring system to streamline and improve response times to potential traffic delays. We also adopted a new light weight deflectometer soil testing process which delivered critical soil moisture results in minutes vs the standard 12 hours, speeding up decision-making and earthworks delivery.

Community Engagement: CMC went above its contractual obligations to ensure water supply to landowners impacted by water disruptions during the project works; maintained traffic flow, achieving journey times well within targets; and completed stormwater drain improvements and landscaping upgrades at Gympie South State School through our Thirst for a Legacy bottle and can recycling program.

Economic: The project supported more than 30 regional jobs, five trainees and delivered more than 3,200 hours of employment and training to local Indigenous workers.

Safety: CMC recorded no time lost to injury across 53,000 total project hours and delivered the project three months ahead of schedule, improving motorist safety on an important regional connection point.

Testimonials: “All works were completed to acceptable quality standards. All parties worked collaboratively throughout the duration of the project. The contractor proactively identified errors in the design and the issues were resolved in time to avoid delays. Overall, a good project outcome.” TMR Final Project Report

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