Anglo is a leading global mining company, with significant investments within Australia and particularly in Queensland. Anglo contracted CMC for construction of a new 3.5km road to realign the Theodore-Moura Road to accommodate the expansion of Anglo’s Pit 25 Mine West mining operations.
The project included everything necessary for the construction of a new road in accordance with The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) specifications, with the road designed for all weather conditions and improved engineering to ensure access during times of flood. The project team completed the project nearly one month ahead of the estimate completion date.
Sustainable Impact: During site clearing, CMC encountered three native bottle trees that were to be removed as part of the clearing. CMC took advantage of the opportunity to relocate these trees by replanting them outside safely outside of the road corridor.
Collaboration: CMC worked collaboratively with the client and the ultimate asset owner, Banana Shire Council, successfully managing the interface between all parties for a smooth handover on completion.
Problem-Solving: Traffic staging was developed and implemented to construct the two tie-ins under live traffic, compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). These traffic stagings were also designed to accommodate for road trains.
Safety: Work was delivered under both the Workplace Health & Safety Act for upgrades to the highway, and Coal Mining Safety & Health Act (CMSHA) for Anglo Mine. Other safety improvements identified and implemented on the project were in consultation and collaboration with the client.