The Bruce Highway, Benaraby North Safety Package and Overtaking Lane Extension works provided the delivery of high priority safety works including road widening, wide centreline treatment, overtaking lane extension, barrier installation, clear zone clearing and culvert replacement and rehabilitation.
Works were located along two specific stretches of road on the Bruce Highway between Benaraby and Rockhampton (section 10E). SP1 is a 7km section commencing at the Benaraby Junction and SP2 is the 2km section immediately South of the Calliope River.
Project characteristics included traffic management, earthworks, unbound pavements, sprayed bitumen surfacing, road furniture and pavement markings.
Sustainable Impact: The project was carried out under a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan which established a complete suite of controls for environmental and erosion and sediment management. All works and processes were subject to regular inspections and audit without any major con-conformances. There were no significant environmental incidents.
Economic: The project had several variations due to design issues. CMC worked with the client to identify alternative treatments that would enable the recovery of time and costs across the project. This included redesign of seals to enable the completion of work during the cooler months of the year to limit the impact of the GAWB pipeline delay and the rock excavation impacts. This saved the client more than $400k. In conjunction with the client, CMC also redesigned landscaping works saving approximately $380k.
Community Engagement: The project team maintained close contact with adjacent property holders for the project who were kept well informed about progress and any possible impacts on their access etc. The project did involve replacing the GAWB water pipe under the road and the team remained in close contact with GAWB personnel throughout the works. Other service authorities were also involved at various stages of the project and good relationships were maintained.
Safety: The project had an exposure of over 230,000 manhours with multiple safety issues encountered without any lost time injuries (LTI).